
Scott, who began at First Christian Church in March 2003, has been in ministry since 1996, serving churches in Ohio and Illinois. He studied Bible/Theology at Wheaton College, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Emmanuel Christian Seminary. Scott and his wife, Dagny (DAHG-knee), met at Wheaton College, have been married since 1997, and have three children. Scott’s passion is to connect people to Christ through a local church that equips them to grow to become who God made them to be. He loves to feed the flock with the Word of God and is consumed with carrying out Christ’s call in the Great Commission to make disciple makers. Scott loves to sing, play guitar, piano, and drums. He plays soccer, basketball, loves (and hates) golf, and has a dream that he will one day automagically turn into an amazing singer-songwriter who holds local coffeehouse audiences captive. A good day off is a cushy leather chair, uninterrupted silence via earbuds, amazing coffee that is Chemex-brewed-by-a-hipster, and time to read about leadership, biblical theology, and doctrine.

Follow the latest in vision, insider info, Great Questions Answered, and other helpful devotional thoughts and tidbits in Scott’s Thoughts.