“Gospel of Mark” Sermon Series

Scott Wakefield   -  

We’re really excited that we’re studying the gospel of Mark as our main book series during 2016! We are covering Mark in three or four parts, (with other series between), and we’ll be following the basic format outlined in the bible study curriculum we’ll be using for LifeGroups, which is from the NavPress LifeChange series. Copies are available in the Connections Room for $7.

Part 1:

February 7 – “The Coming of the Kingdom” (Mark 1:1-45)
February 14 – “Opposition to the King” (Mark 2:1-3:6)
February 21 – “The Conflict Widens” (Mark 3:7-35)
February 28 – “The Mystery of the Kingdom of God” (Mark 4:1-34)

Part 2:

April 3 – “Signs and Wonders” (Mark 4:35-5:43)
April 10 – “The Signs Continue” (Mark 6:1-56)
April 17 – “A Light to the Gentiles” (Mark 7:1-8:26)
April 24 – “The Turning Point” (Mark 8:27-9:29)

Rest of the Series (Dates TBA):

“En Route to Jerusalem” (Mark 9:30-10:12)
“The Servant Messiah” (Mark 10:13-52)
“The Final Week Begins” (Mark 11:1-33)
“Jesus Confront the Religious Leaders” (Mark 12:1-44)
“The Second Coming of Christ” (Mark 13:1-37)
“Countdown to Betrayal” (Mark 14:1-42)
“Arrest and Trial” (Mark 14:43-15:15)
“The Death of the Messiah” (Mark 15:16-47)
“He is Risen!” (Mark 16:1-20)