Sun, Oct 20, 2019

Scott Wakefield   -  

The “GO!” Campaign to Create More Space at Greeneville and More Momentum at Afton and its Role in Becoming a Campus-Launching Strategy

Our current “GO!” series is about how God has called us to go beyond being a disciple who consumes to a disciple who produces. It’s the difference between being a settler in a community and a missionary to our community.

We’re using this series to launch a campaign to ask 50 people from our Greeneville campus to serve at our Afton campus, in order to Create more space at Greeneville and more momentum at Afton. (See ”New GO!” Series and Campaign…” for more details.)

Here’s the important role this campaign fulfills for us… If you haven’t yet caught on, our ongoing efforts to turn our people and processes into a campus-launching strategy isn’t just another program or strategy–it is the strategy for how we accomplish our mission of Helping Greene County find and follow Jesus. (Sign up for Next Steps to gain a clear vision for how it all works together.) So, whether you “GO!” to Afton or you “GO!” to Greeneville, this “GO!” campaign is the kind of thing that is normal for a community of Jesus followers who are missionaries to their community! And if you are thinking to yourself, “Ok, now that we’re 8 months into multisite maybe we’ll finally settle down and they’ll chill out with this whole campus-launching strategy that keeps asking me to sacrifice for the sake of the mission,” well, sorry–no chance of that. While your sacrifice may or may not mean going to Afton, there are too many people destined for eternity apart from God’s blessing for us to settle in and hunker down and refuse to become a missionary to our community!

If you’re interested in knowing more about GOing to Afton to serve, take the few seconds to check the box on this form and we’ll follow up with you!

Grateful for a Great Staff of Ministers and Volunteers

Whenever I come back from vacation, I’m struck by how well things go without me, how bought in our people are, and how faithfully they serve! (“Then why are we even paying you, Wakefield?!”) Seriously, it’s not pastoral pretense or hype to say that it is really true that our people are bought-in for our big vision to reach Greene County with the gospel and are sacrificing to make it happen! Tommy and Tyson, our Campus Pastors, did a great job preaching. Our paid staffers jump in and make things work well when there are 20 things to juggle. Our volunteers show up “praypared” to serve (Sign up for Next Steps to learn what we mean by that). We are seeing more volunteers leading in significant areas of ministry. I am grateful for the privilege to serve alongside you all for the sake of making known the goodness and glory of God!

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to participate in our Christmas season outreach. This is a cool opportunity for our congregation to pursue generosity together in a way that helps move the gospel forward. In recent years, we’ve heard personal testimonies from those who were introduced to the gospel through this ministry, so grab some boxes and jump in with us. While we will tell you plenty more about how to participate, from filling boxes to joining in on our “Pack & Stack” Party, I did want to point out one thing you won’t hear from our other promotional outlets. We usually end up needing a few thousand dollars to help send a couple hundred boxes, so if you can help with that, just specify “Operation Christmas Child” on your check or online, or text “help” to 84321 and follow the instructions.

Totally Random Chart About Something I’ve Been Thinking About

I am basically always reading, studying, and thinking about theology, leadership, and the church and playing around with ideas and models, so I wanted to share something I realized recently. It’s not revolutionary or anything, but I think it’s true… Though it’s slightly counterintuitive, and it’s obviously more complicated than this chart implies, I think churches that are reaching the lost because they’re healthy and growing are churches that use new methods but that are rooted in and are constantly teaching and rediscovering old theology. There’s obviously much more that could be said to better define what I’m implying, but I share this with you, (if indeed you are part of the 5% of my inevitably already small readership that may be interested in this chart at all), so that you can know, more than anything, that whatever form our ministry strategies and methods take, we are committed to being theologically Old School.

Great Questions Answered: “What must a person do to be saved?” – Part 2: How to Receive God’s Grace

Friendly reminder that you can get to previous Great Questions Answered by going to the shortlink

There are 2 ways for you to be saved–one is by perfectly fulfilling every single nook and cranny of the entirety of God’s perfect law and the other is by letting Jesus do so for you. Keep reading…