“Life’s Toughest Questions” Summer Series

Scott Wakefield   -  

Don’t miss out on a great summer sermon series at First Christian! We’re gonna tackle some tough stuff together with direction from Scripture, theology, history, science, and philosophy (but preeminently Scripture!) It’ll be a great opportunity to get into all those big problems and issues you’ve always wanted to know about but never had a comfortable place to ask questions (and hear the answers!) But here’s the catch… We’ll be forming our sermon topics from questions submitted by you and every other person on the planet with internet access! Here are some of the questions submitted so far:

“Who is God? Who made Him and what was He doing before He created the universe?”
“How can God make something out of nothing?”
“How can there be three persons in one God?”
“How can a good God send people to hell?”
“What is the origin of evil and what is God’s ultimate purpose in allowing evil?”
“What does God do to restore sinners who commit unspeakable harm to children and why does He allow such suffering?”
“What is the correct understanding and application of the promises in Philippians 4:19 and Matthew 6:25-34 for believers who are suffering today? Specifically, are these promises (only) spiritual and not physical in nature?”
“How long are the days of creation in Genesis?”
“What if my unmarried teenage daughter is pregnant? What then?”
“What’s wrong with polygamy and why should marriage be between a man and woman only?”
“Is all sin the same and how can a person who sins every day be going to heaven?” “Does the Christian who is genuinely working for the Kingdom and yet continually struggling with sin (addictions, etc., that we call supposedly “bad” ones) get into heaven?”
“Who controls our destiny? Is it God or ourselves? Is He sovereign or do we have power to control our own lives?”
“Why does the God in the Old Testament seem so different from the God in the New Testament?”
“Why does God heal some people and not others? If not all will be healed should we continue to pray for them?”
“How much does God require me to give financially to the church? Is tithing a command?”
“Does God bless us materially on this earth as he did with Old Testament people?”
“Do animals go to heaven?”
“How does a Christian deal with cults and other religions… and telemarketers?”
“How do Jesus’ “hard teachings/sayings” fit with a gospel of grace?”
“What is the age of accountability and can someone become unsaved once they are saved?”
“God says, ‘What kind of father would give his son a rock when he asks for something to eat?’ So we pray for God to heal disease and provide protection, food, shelter, etc. But look beyond America to the Christians in Africa, Darfur, N. Korea, China… Tortured to death, starved to death, cast out, living in boxes. No one taking care of them, people or God. Children… infants… millions die before they reach the age of 5. God is giving them a rock. Huge contradiction!”
“Scripture says, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (English Standard Version). Ok, so we have done this for years. When do “all these things” start being added to me? How do you know when they are?”

Please help us out and submit a question… Be watching on the website for updates of sermon topics and for downloads/podcasts of sermon audio to hear how we treat these important and sometimes sensitive issues and questions… Or better yet, come by and join us for Sunday Morning Worship to participate in person!