Missionary Update – Jun 2021

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Check out some recent updates from the Champlins, Jim and Laurie Barnes, and GNPI!


The Champlin Family Ultimate Journey to Spain

“We all did it!  We are in Spain!  We have begun the transition of entering a new culture and have begun a new spiritual battle. Jet-lag was real and the first week is remembered as a fog of happenings… We enter with you, humbly, into a new culture, a new land. We hope to be listeners, learners and laborers. There is a lot to learn, but we are highly motivated and eager to see what the Spirit brings.”

Click here to read the full update.


Prague Library Expansion Update 2021

“As you read in our last update, even in the midst of COVID there’s been a lot happening related to the second phase of library expansion which includes the cafe. At this crucial time in the journey, we would like to share specifics both as a matter of prayer but also some of how you can get involved and be a part of what God is doing in and through the expanding ministry of the Crossroads Center and library.”

Click here to read the full update.


Austin and Ajai want to thank you!

“Even though people are suffering and resources are limited, you are planting churches and making disciples in Africa, India, and beyond! Christian worker Austin Ganyo has used Solar Kits to plant a network of churches throughout Ghana and looks forward to the launch of GNPI’s Nomad Academy. Dr. Ajai Lall has seen Hindi Church Online grow to include 3.2 million viewers in 67 countries as the pandemic surges in India.”

Click here to to meet their regional director in India.