C/YA/20s Vision Night

FCC   -  

Our New College and Young Adults Ministry is taking shape!

We are excited because we have BIG plans to reach out to an often-forgotten demographic in our community that needs Jesus! This summer, we will be hosting various events, building up to a tentative launch date of Tue, Aug 24. So tell anyone you know who is in college, is a “young adult”, or is “20-something” all about our plans!

VISION AND PREVIEW NIGHT – THIS COMING Tue, Jun 8, at 7p, in the Student Center at the Greeneville Campus

  • What? – Come taste what this C/YA/20s ministry will look like and help us shape our future together (including a better name than “C/YA/20s”!) We’ll start with informal snack and hang-out time as people fill-in, then we’ll welcome everyone, share a brief time of worship and study of God’s Word, and end with group discussion, to share further vision, get some feedback, and brainstorm the possibilities. We’ll be officially done at 8p, but we’re gonna plan to hang out and chat afterwards! When you arrive, just look for the “Welcome” signs and listen for the music. ;o)
  • Who? – If you are a recent high school grad, current college student, or a young adult in your 20s, this is for you! We want to reach those who are post-high school but not full-fledged adulting with kids! #winkygifgoeshere
  • Why? – Since our goal is to provide a safe and inviting environment for C/YA/20s to build relationships, ask important questions, and engage with God’s Word, we want to hear from you, even if you won’t be here this Fall. So come join the conversation and let us know what you would like to see. Your input is valuable!
Tentative C/YA/20s Launch Date – Tue, Aug 24, 7p
This is still tentative, but seeing as local colleges start Fall classes on the 23rd, it just makes sense for us to shoot for a launch date that is around the same time! Once again, we will fill you in as time goes on. But for now, Tue, Aug 24 is what we’re shooting for!

How can you help?

  • Pray. – Please pray with us as we begin to lay the groundwork for this ministry, that we would follow God’s lead. Pray that His Word would be our guide (Psalm 119:105) and that through it (John 17:17) God’s Spirit will work in the lives of C/YA/20s in Greene County. This only works if the Word is our Guide (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and Christ is the center (Philippians 4:19). So please continue to pray as we build toward a Fall launch, that we would plan wisely, lead well, and all glory will be to God!
  • Spread the word. – We want people to come, and that only happens if people know about it (Romans 10:14)! So, if you know anyone who fits the C/YA/20s demographic, tell them about what’s happening and invite them! We can put up signs and webposts all day, but most of the real stuff happens through interpersonal word of mouth type stuff! So do your thing!
  • Show up. – If you are C/YA/20s-aged, do your best to show up! To create an environment where it is apparent that Christ is the center, it takes faithful people who continually show up and display what Jesus has done in their lives to others (1 Peter 2:9). Your faithful presence will make a huge difference–in your life and in the lives of others!
  • Be a leader. – If you’re an FCCer and you want to help us reach this demographic, but you’re older than 20-something, please prayerfully consider reaching out to our C/YA/20s Ministry Director, David Bowlin, to talk about what it might look like for you to be involved as a leader in this ministry. Young Adults need strong, faithful, and devoted older Christians who can help lead them in their faith (Deuteronomy 6; Ephesians 6:1-4). This is why a core goal in this ministry is to eventually get them involved into the larger body (Hebrews 10:24-25). So if that’s something that might interest you, reach out to David, (or a Campus Pastor, or someone with a lanyard on Sunday morning), to talk about what that could look like for you!
Contact Info
For any questions or details, contact our new College and Young Adults Ministry Director, David Bowlin. You can “Ping” him on Basecamp or shoot him an email at david@fccgreeneville.org.