Sun, May 23, 2021

Scott Wakefield   -  

Super brief and bullet-pointy today. (The people all say, with one voice, “Finally.”)

Pine Cove City Update – Yes it’s expensive, but it’s totally worth it. (Everybody worried about the value first time we did it 2 years ago and went away saying, “Wow. That was sooo good.”) We have about 65-70 signed up, $5,000 in scholarship donations, and 19 PCC Counselors “hosted”, which means we are looking for 55-60 more kids, 10,000 more dollars, and 6-7 more Host Homes. More info at the top of the Home Tab on the app ( or at

“Bluegrass & BBQ” Team Bash on Sun, Jun 13 @ The Shed (across from the Snapps Ferry Road Food City) – Good BBQ! Bluegrass band! Comedy duo! Team Code Awards! Highlight video! The Team Bash is a really great cross-campus yearly event where say “Thank You!” for serving on the team. Sign-ups and more info at the top of the Home Tab on the app ( or at One way you can help us is to send us your answer to this question (on the Connect Card or on that little pop-up ‘Message Us!’ window on “What have you learned by serving at church?” We’re culling some answers for the Highlight Video.

Random Item of Interest – Did you know that the app has been downloaded over 1,800 times in the past 11 months?! And our new website, which is directed toward guests and those checking us out, (as opposed to the app, which is meant more for FCCers/members), is almost… maybe… soon to be done.

College/Young Adults/20somethings Ministry Launching Soon! – Long story short, (and I will share more details in the coming weeks), Elders have given us the go-ahead to launch an C/YA/20s-focused ministry this Fall, with a-still-emerging plan to do some pre-launch outreach/fun stuff and/or preview service (or two?) this Summer, to get some momentum started. The basic plan is to launch in the Fall with a weeknight service that repackages our existing Sunday morning content for C/YA/20s so that we can minister to them, help them gain Kingdom vision, and help them integrate into the body of Christ. We already have a really great paid Part-Time C/YA/20s Director (who we’re sure you will agree is a great pick!) Much more to tell you soon! Please pray with us that God will use this vision to reach C/YA/20s in our community!