Thu, Dec 24, 2020

Scott Wakefield   -  

Christmas Candlelight Services, Time Change, and Promo

Thu, Dec 24 in-person service at Chuckey-Doak High School is now at 4:30p this afternoon, (not 6:30p)!

To beat the snow-turning-to-freezing-rain that is predicted today at 6:30p (previous time), we are moving today’s Christmas Candlelight service at Chuckey-Doak High School a couple hours to 4:30p! A few things to keep in mind…

  • We are at our Afton campus, not Greeneville.
  • There is plenty of room to maintain physical distancing at CDHS, so don’t hesitate to join us, if you’re opting for in-person.
  • The online service is still at 6:30p.
  • We need your help promoting our services! (See why in this past Sunday’s Scott’s Thoughts, from Dec 20.) So please Like, Comment, and especially Share on our socials (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and relike/recomment/reshare, if you’ve already done so before today. You can also just plain old personally invite someone. Feel free to text someone a friendly reminder: “Hey! Come join me at our Christmas Candlelight Service this afternoon at 4:30p! Details at” (You’ll wanna personalize it, of course.)

Still Mtg In-Person?Just to be clear, Governor Lee’s recent executive order doesn’t require us to change anything. Some churches here and there are suspending in-person services, (which is their prerogative, as they have to be wise about their own circumstances), but here are the basic reasons we are continuing to provide both in-person and online services…

  • We are defined as “essential”,
  • the order specifically clarifies that the guideline regarding limiting gatherings to 10 or fewer doesn’t apply to us,
  • for 6 months our services have been averaging fewer than 40 in the room simultaneously and have allowed for safe physical distancing,
  • we have already been regularly implementing Covid protocols for months in accordance with guidelines,
  • we offer both in-person and online/app options, and
  • our people have not only been well aware for over 9 months to stay home if immunocompromised, but they have been doing so quite effectively.

So given all the above, especially that our people have already been making their own decisions about coming in-person or staying online, we will continue with our strategy of providing both safe in-person and online worship experiences.

Habit 4: Pray and study the Bible.

Our first two annual Spiritual Health Surveys made clear that one of the most important areas where people need and desire growth is in their personal relationship with God through prayer and His written Word. So, for the 3rd straight year, we are kicking off the new year with an emphasis on Habit 4: Pray and study the Bible. Don’t miss out on a number of ways to maintain the daily rhythm of prayer and Word that sustain fruitful Kingdom living…

  • 7 Days of Prayer – Join us (in-person or on the app) for a great way to deepen your relationship with God. (And don’t forget to invite a friend with one of the Invite Cards we’ve begun handing out at the end of our Sunday services. (If you want one/more, come by the office.)) Details at
  • H4 Sermon Series – Tyson and Tommy will be preaching about prayer and Word on Sun, Dec 27 & Jan 3 through Hebrews 4:12-16. Heads up, our Series Memory Verse is Heb 4:16, if you’d like to memorize it.
  • Bible Reading Plan on the App – Did you know that there is a daily reading plan on our app that will lead you through the Old Testament once and New Testament twice per year? It does so in a way that, save a few days at the end of the year, has you reading through both OT & NT every day. And our app even includes audio, so you can listen on the way to work in the morning. Cool, huh?! It defaults to the English Standard Version, which is what I use for preaching, but soon an update to the app will let you use other versions.