Help GHS With Monty’s Merry Christmas

Tyson Hodge   -  
Let Pursue Generosity!
Greeneville High School needs help with Monty’s Merry Christmas.
Typically for Monty’s Merry Christmas, people from the community buy gifts, take them to the school, and the gifts are given to students in need. But this year, GHS is allowing the students to do the shopping. The faculty and staff at GHS have identified 106 students who are in need for the holidays who may not receive Christmas gifts. GHS will provide students a $100 gift card to purchase shoes, clothes, and other items they need from the Greeneville Commons stores.
Last year, FCCers were able to help provide Christmas gifts for over 30 students. This year the church has committed to giving $750 toward gifts. Join us in providing for local needs in our high school. Please help us to double or even triple the amount we have committed.
The deadline to donate for Monty’s Merry Christmas is this Mon, Nov 23. If you can only donate $10, it helps! If you can give more, that would be great.
There are two ways to give:
In-Person: Take money straight to GHS main office on Mon, Nov 23.
Help us to show our community that we are for them because God is for them!
-Tyson Hodge, Greeneville Campus Pastor