Sun, Nov 15, 2020

Scott Wakefield   -  

Total Reading Time: ~2 mins (Trending significantly shorter!)

Just a few friendly reminders of import today, primarily to provide more accurate info to last week’s Scott’s Thoughts.

Brown Bags & Bibles (& Books!) UpdateBB&B(&B!) is a video podcast that Mark Liebert and I do most Tuesdays on Facebook Live at noon (and that we also post for you to watch/hear later, on Youtube and our app.) After the first 30-40 mins, we have a time where Mark and I work through audience questions. So, a few things to know…

  • Even though we just wrapped up 6 weeks of “Biblical Politics”, which focused on biblical principles for government, wanted to letcha know that we plan on doing the occasional small series on particular cultural and political issues like protection of life (abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, self defense), marriage/family, economics, national defense, foreign policy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc.
  • This Tue, Nov 17, we begin a few weeks’ series on “Baptism”, covering questions like, ”Who should be baptized? How should it be done? What does it mean? Why should I be baptized if I’ve been a Christian for a long time?”
  • Starting Tue, Dec 8 (or maybe the 15th?), we’re going to launch our own little video podcast version of the BB&B(&B!) Book Club! Cool, huh?! (Well, I think it’s cool.) We’re going to be discussing The Gathering Storm, by Albert Mohler, Jr., so order that today at our local Christian Book Shop (Preferably!), Amazon, etc. (Btw, Logos Bible Software peeps, it’s available on Begin reading now so you’re ready to join and understand the discussion starting Tue, Dec 8! (No, we’re not beginning to read together, week-by-week, on Dec 8; we’re going to begin our 2-3 (?) week discussion about the book starting Tue, Dec 8 (or 15? We’ll letcha know as we get closer.)

Charity Damrau at Coffee Convos – Make sure to join us this Wed, Nov 18, at 7:30p, when we will get to know Charity Damrau (pron DAHM-roe, with the emphasis on the first syllable), our new Kids Min Dir! So make sure to log on to Facebook Live this Wed at 7:30p, ask questions, interact, and get to know Charity! Also, make sure to introduce yourself to her, pray for her, her family, our staff transitions, and for Blountville Christian Church (her former church that now needs someone to lead their kids Min well!) For the record, Charity is at the Afton campus today and Greeneville campus next Sunday, meeting folks, learning systems, etc.

Alison Stollenmaier Resignation – If you haven’t read about this, go to last week’s Scott’s Thoughts for this important announcement, and please be in prayer for her, her family, and our staff transitions.