The Places Information is Available

FCC   -  

If the average church attendee on any given Sunday in America is present 3 out of every 8 Sundays, what that means for a multisite church working to become a campus-launching strategy is that we must be extremely selective and ubiquitous in terms of what and how we communicate! (See for more.) So here’s the whole 9 yards, on one page, so you can stay informed and get connected. (We know–it’s a lot!) If you ever need to get back to this page, just remember!

    • Social media outlets. (See below.)
    • Scott’s Thoughts – Written info, updates, devotional thoughts. (See “Scott’s Thoughts” toward the bottom for more about ST.)
    • Scott’s Thoughts Video Update – Quick updates and info and devotional thought and inspiration for your day. Posted on social media and our app, usually weekly.
  • FCC Social Media –Follow, Subscribe, Like, Heart, Comment, and Share!
  • Kids & Students Social Media – Follow, Subscribe, Like, Heart, Comment, and Share!
    • Students: Facebook & Instagram – Our Student Ministry also hands students a Worship Guide each week with upcoming/important events/info.
    • Kids: Facebook & Instagram – Our Kids Min also hands out a Parent Cue with a summary of the lesson. (“252 Basics” for Elementary is weekly and “First Look” for preschoolers and toddlers is handed out monthly.)
  • Worship Service Streams – Outta town and wanna stay connected to our service? Sick at home but don’t wanna miss out?! Click on “Streams” at top. (We’re working on a Roku and/or Apple TV channel, for those who wanna use their huge 65″ flatscreen!)
  • Worship Guide – Handed to all who attend one of our worship services, the Worship Guide functions as a key place to get info and provide feedback. It has ways to sign up for things that are always changing, highlights a few important items of note (that can also be found at, and includes space for Sermon Notes, and Study Questions (
  • Connect Card – Communicate next steps, prayer requests, ask questions, make comments, sign up for things, etc., even online, at This is where you sign up to receive most of the our communications. (Scroll down to bottom where it says, “⤶ Click here if you want more info, need prayer, or want to sign up for an event.”)
    • Pulse Email – Sent out right after Sunday morning services, this email is an insider look that has it all: blurbs and pictures that Tell the story of what God is doing among us, important upcoming events and initiatives, links to ministry areas, sermon audio/video, our weekly Spotify playlist, etc. Sign up here if you don’t yet receive it. Quick point of clarification: The Pulse Email is not the same as the Pulse Video. The Pulse Email has way more info. The Pulse Video is just video highlights of a few things (see below).
    • FCC Text Updates – A few times a week, we’ll send a quick friendly reminder and/or link to important sign-ups, news posts, Scott’s Thoughts, etc. This is the best way to get instant emergency and weather info!
    • Next Steps – This is THE best place to start at FCC to get the most comprehensive picture of how things work here! See for more info.
    • Parent Emails & Txt Msg Blasts – These weekly emails have summaries of each week’s lesson and upcoming/important events/info. We also maintain a Txt Msg Update List. Sign up here for:
  • The Hub – If you’ve got any questions, find a Guest Connector with a lanyard. They know things and can find answers. Or just go to, where you can find out about, well, just about everything we do.
  • The Care Room – Need prayer? Wanna know the latest Prayer Requests? Have questions about following Jesus, joining First Christian Church, or being baptized? Want to write someone a note of encouragement?
    • If you’re at one of our locations, The Care Room is the place!
    • If you’re online, just click on “Request Prayer” or “mention” the Online Host’s name (using “@” or, if going all analog and old school, the Online Host’s actual name).
  • Pulse Video – Shown during every service, this video highlights just a few of the most important things to know and helps us Tell the story winsomely! It’s sent inside the Pulse Email and also posted on Facebook (see below to follow us on FB).
  • Quarterly Update Letter from Elders – This is pretty much what it sounds like! Gives a high-level view of goings-on, from the perspective of our overseers. See here for an example, and here for another one.
  • Scott’s Thoughts – Found at, this is a weekly(ish) blog post that…
    • touches on things not well covered in other outlets,
    • mentions important churchwide initiatives,
    • names wins we’re seeing,
    • spreads vision,
    • links to Great Questions Answered, and
    • communicates what’s on Scott’s heart as Lead Pastor at FCC.
    • NOTE: This written format, along with the occasional (usually weekly) Scott’s Thoughts Video Updates, is where we cover strategy changes related to Coronavirus.

Given the stats cited above, don’t be surprised when we repeat something over and over–there’s a lot going on so we choose to communicate fewer things through multiple means! Please try to be patient with us if you hear/see us repeat things over and over, especially since we are often trying to overcommunicate the important things to those new to us! (In fact, pro tip–When we repeat things about “Next Steps” or reiterate “The Big 3” Habits of Engage in worshipServe on the team, and Connect in a small group, we’re training our regulars to learn to think about Helping (new folks, unbelieving family, friends, and coworkers, etc.) Find and Follow Jesus!) ;o) So when a small minority of us become sick of hearing about something, most folks are just beginning to get it! Got it?!