180 Winter Retreat

FCC   -  

Who is it for? Winter Retreat is a weekend retreat for our 6-12 graders.

When & where is it? The retreat will take place at Long View Ranch on March 6-8, 2020.

What is the schedule? We will be leaving the Greeneville Campus at 6p on Friday. Students should eat supper before coming. We will return to our Greeneville Campus around noon on Sunday.

How much does it cost? The price for the retreat is $100 which covers lodging, meals, transportation, and all activities.

What is the theme? This year’s theme is “Identity in Christ.” We will be focused on listening to who God says that we are and learning to find rest in Jesus. We will learn more about how our identity is found in Christ, not in the world. Our hope is to help our students learn how to unplug from media and plug into God.

What will the weekend look like? The weekend will consist of great food provided by Long View, some exciting games and activities (paintball, horseback riding, nerf wars, escape rooms, Ultimate Frisbee, and more), awesome worship, and lots of time with friends and small group leaders.

What should students bring?

  • A Bible and a couple of pens/pencils
  • Casual clothes for the weekend
  • Clothes for outdoor games including paintball and nighttime games
  • Sleepwear
  • A jacket, gloves, and hat (we’ll be outside at times in the evenings)
  • An extra pair of shoes in case one gets muddy
  • Bedding (Sheets for a twin bed, a blanket or sleeping bag, and a pillow)
  • Towels for showering (washcloth if desired)
  • Toiletries (soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
  • Prescription medications (if needed)
  • A flashlight

How do students sign up? Click here.

Have more questions? Contact Wes Ford, Student Minister, at wes@fccgreeneville.org.