Playing With Fire

Tommy Staggs   -  

Series OverviewHave you ever thought about the power of your words? Our words can build someone up or leave them burned. In this series, we’ll discover that when we use our words for good, they have the power to change our lives and the lives of others for the better.

Week One
Date: November 1, 2017
Scripture: James 3:5-6
Bottom Line: Words can wreck.

Week Two
Date: November 8, 2017
Scripture: Proverbs 16:24
Bottom Line: Words can build.

Parent CueAs a parent you are the primary influence in the life of your student(s). As a church, we want to come alongside and equip you to support your student’s faith. For each teaching series this year we will include a Parent Cue. This resource will prepare you for conversations you may have with your student and encourage you to make the most of your influence in your teenager’s life.

Parent Cue – High School

Parent Cue – Middle School