Student Ministry Returning to Wednesday Nights

Tommy Staggs   -  

After spending a semester meeting on Sunday nights, we have decided to return our Student Ministry gathering to Wednesday Nights. We found that the midweek gathering fits best with the rhythm of our community and church. We are so thankful to all of you for adjusting your schedules over the past few months to create space for a Sunday evening gathering and our hope is that returning to Wednesday Nights will not create undue stress on your schedule. We do believe that a Wednesday Night gathering gives us the best environment for what we’re trying to do in our ministry to students.
We will no longer meet on Sunday evenings and will resume our meetings on Wednesday, January 11 at 6:00p. Our schedule will be:

6:00-7:15p – Worship
7:15-8:00p – Small Groups

Following small groups, we will provide snacks and invite students to hang around, play games, and fellowship. This will not be a meal, but will be more substantive snacks than we had been serving on Wednesdays previously. This time at the end is just a casual time and is an optional time. So anyone who needs to hurry home can count on being done at 8:00p, however we hope that those who are able to stay will feel comfortable hanging out for an additional 30-45 minutes.
Also, our room will be set up and ready for students to arrive anytime after 5:00p so if you need to drop off your student at the church early, we’ll be ready for them!