Are You Growing? Sermon Series

Scott Wakefield   -  

Friends, being a Christian means becoming more and more the people God created us to be… and that means increasingly reflecting the nature and character of God!
But that is easier said than done, amen?! So, as an appropriate launch for our Fall season and the implementation of Growth Groups, we’re providing you with 10 ways to diagnose your spiritual health. They’re based on a book by Donald Whitney called, uh, Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health, interestingly enough. Buy one and read it along the way for further insight.
Our main scripture passage to remind us of our call to continue growing in the Lord is Colossians 2:6-7, which says, [6] Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, [7] rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving (English Standard Version). We’d like to encourage everyone to memorize these 2 simple verses during our series.
Here are the questions we’ll be asking ourselves during this series:

Are you thirsty for God?
Are you governed increasingly by God’s Word?
Are you more loving?
Are you more sensitive to God’s presence?
Are you growing more concerned for the spiritual and temporal needs of others?
Are you delighting in the bride of Christ?
Are you increasingly practicing the spiritual disciplines?
Are you still grieving over sin?
Are you a quicker forgiver?
Are you yearning for heaven and to be with Jesus?