Did You Know?… We’re buying a school?!

Scott Wakefield   -  

Okay, only sort of! Just a cool little tidbit not many in our congregation know about yet…
Steve and Kay Carpenter, and their kids Natasha and Benjamin, are longtime missionaries to Mexico City that we’ve supported through Christian Missionary Fellowship International for a number of years. Their important work has helped establish a new church where they minister, La Iglesia Cristiana Las Aguilas, or Eagles Christian Church. They have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase a fantastic facility at less than 45% of its market value for the church body there. Check out this blog post on the CMFI website and the Carpenters’ website for more info.
That’s where we’ve come in to help a little bit… A few months ago the Missions Ministry Team suggested to our Board of Elders and Deacons that we send them $10,000 from our Missions Fund which is outside of the General Operating Fund, and we’re excited to report that the purchase is going forward and we are helping to support them with $10,000! Isn’t that great?! (This is not an April Fool’s joke, BTW!) Please be praying for the Carpenters and the important work going on for the Kingdom there in Mexico City!