FCC Family Focus Newsletter Blurb (5/5/08)

Scott Wakefield   -  

In case you missed the FCC Family Focus Newsletter from the week of Mon, May 5, here’s my blurb…
A Few Items:
New FCC Website Launching – Tommy and I have been “learning” (with lots of failure thrown in to keep us humble) how to do some cool website things that will result in a more interactive, frequently updated, and dynamic church website. If you come across a page with latin gibberish on it, sorry. It’ll be changing quite a bit daily for the next week or so until we get it running smoothly. We’ll have some cool new features like more downloadable resources, embedded events calendars, newsletters, policies and procedures, online polls/surveys, online giving, etc.
Youth and Men In Action Work Day – Please come out and help us on this month’s “Second Saturday” Service Project, May 10, from 9:00-noon. We’ll provide a light breakfast at 8:30 downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Please wear appropriate clothing and bring along some tools.
All-Church Carry-In for Graduates, Mother’s/Father’s Days – Please come join us as we share some good food and friendly conversation while recognizing these important people! We’re asking everyone to bring enough food for yourself/your family to share. Sponsored by the Membership Ministry Team, assisted by the Bond Between Us class.
“Grace Harmony” Concert at Central Christian Church – Come join us at Central Christian downtown on Wednesday, May 28, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Mike and Sue Filisky travel over 20,000 miles a year sharing their musical gifts and ministering to churches all across the United States. Don’t miss out on this chance to demonstrate some unity with our friends downtown! You can sign up on one of the Resource Tables or call/email the church office. “When Worldviews Collide” and Adult Choir will be cancelled that evening and you can meet us there (on Summer Street, across from the Greeneville Sun) or we’ll start shuttling folks over in the church vans at 6:30 after Wed. Night Dinner.
Nursery/Toddler Volunteers – Shelley Smith, our Nursery/Toddler Coordinator, still needs a few more helpers. Please ask or email her for more details about it if you’re interested in knowing what it entails: shelley@fccgreeneville.org.
Scott’s Thoughts:
Abraham Lincoln said this about mothers: “All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life…. No man is poor who has had a godly mother.”
It is not a stretch to describe mothers as angels, is it?! Many of us owe so much more to our moms than we could ever repay. Their role in nurturing us in the love and fear of God is invaluable. Ephesians 6:2-3 says that “the first commandment [of the 10 Commandments] with a promise,” which was to “Honor your father and mother,” was so “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Indeed, many of us owe much of our long lives on the earth to our mothers and fathers. Lincoln was right on when he said that no one is poor who has had a Godly mother.
Mother’s Day is meant to be more than just a token one-day recognition. It’s a once-a-year reminder that once-a-year is not enough. So don’t miss the opportunity to express your love and gratitude for your mom’s years of unselfish devotion to nurture us in the love and fear of God. Better yet, let’s also honor our moms by living the way they did, so the Kingdom of God will be extended to the ends of the earth! Aren’t you glad your mom extended the love of God to you?!